Various things

Rants, plugs, and info from Me

Blog announcement

I started my blog.  Before I did that I had to change the site to a Linux site so I could use WordPress.  There's a couple of other reasons.  One is that I'm probably going to convert this whole thing into a CMS of somekind.  Keep your eyes peeled.

Grand opening

Well, I finally did it.  I decided that I would make my web presence known, and here it is.  This is definitely going to be a dynamic site, with various things scattered about at different times of the year. 

You'll see things related to Scouting, work (I work at HP), home life, family, my kids, and any number of other topics.  If you have any suggestions for topics, feel free to suggest them.  My email address is on the Contact page.

I don't hold any delusions that my page will become this huge hangout or cult following type website.  But you might find something you like here.  If you do, please let me know.

Thanks and enjoy.

Joel "Doc" Hopper

Recent things

I started my blog.  Here it is.  If you have any suggestions for topics, please let me know using the contact page.

The whole family has power now after Ike came in and jacked things up.  Check the Ike page for details.